Crackerjack African Marigolds are a bold and stately marigold variety. Voluptuous orange and yellow flowers grow on multiple branches.
Height: 1-1.5m high / 3.5ft Days to germination: 7-14 days
Sowing: Indoors in pots from February. Outdoors from late April – May.
Light preference: Full sun. Plant in amongst tomatoes and other veggies to deter aphids and nematodes and other harmful pests.
Soil requirements: Any Spacing: 15”- 20” /50-80cm
Harvest: Full yellow and orange flowers for flower arrangements.
Wildlife Benefits: Attract ladybugs, hoverflies, bumble bees, solitary bees, and butterflies are attracted to these flowers. Leave the best flower heads to save seed from in autumn.
African Marigold Flowers
Each seed packet is hand painted. Inside is a planting guide on recommended months to sow the seeds, transplant them out and then when they should be ready to harvest. I have added the wildlife benefits for growing sunflowers. The artwork can be cut out and sent as a postcard.
The packet is made from 100% post consumer manila card waste.